Tips for Team Coaches

How to Build Team Spirit

  • Brainstorm a fun team name together.
  • Pick a special color or clothing item to wear as a team.
  • On Tournament Day, bring your team's Coat of Arms.

How to Encourage & Reward Your Team

  • Use praise and small rewards to recognize when each book is finished and when readers give good ideas and answers.
  • Provide snacks.
  • Play a game or just have some social time after the meeting.
  • Keep it fun and make happy memories!

Top Six Battle of the Books Strategies

  1. Set practice schedule
    Set up a schedule for your team meetings and share it with readers and their parents. Include the times and dates of all team events. Ask parents to confirm via email or in person that they received the team meeting schedule and overall schedule for Battle of the Books.
  2. Divide up the books
    You may want to divide up the books – making each reader responsible for certain books. But still encourage all readers to read as many books as possible. Use a Team Reading Chart or similar tool to track your progress on the books read and discussed.
  3. Make notes
    Keep notes, make a poster board, and/or draw sketches for easy reference about the main characters, the important events, the settings, etc. for each title.
  4. Practice
    Have readers write practice questions about the books they have read, then quiz each other. Divide your team and have mock battles. Give each member a chance to participate in these mock battles. Get your team into the habit of giving the title and the author of each book.
  5. Review the Rules
    Before Tournament Day, review the rules with your team.
  6. Show Good Sportsmanship
    Emphasize the fact that just participating is fun and worthwhile. It is important for your team members to learn to win and lose graciously and be a part of a positive experience for everyone.