Volunteers make it happen!

We have some great volunteer roles with Battle of the Books whether you have a few hours or time for a larger commitment.

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Here are a few key roles we are trying to fill:

  • Competition volunteers: For our all-day Tournament, we need runners, room hosts, scorers, and registration table volunteers. These roles are “one shot” opportunities with simple tasks involved.
  • Committee positions: An event for 300+ kids needs planners in the background! If you’d like to learn more about opportunities in marketing, judging, event logistics, etc., let us know. These roles generally involve some in-person meetings as well as tasks completed on your own time.
  • Team coaches: Many of our team coaches are the parents of readers. But each year we need about 2 or 3 coaches from the community to help teams without a parent volunteer. We especially welcome former or retired teachers! In terms of time commitment, you will make arrangements directly with the students – typically a once a week meeting during battle season works well.

Need to know more? Email Melissa Jacobson, Volunteers Coordinator

Ready to volunteer right now?

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* Please note that background checks are performed on all Battle of the Books volunteers to protect the safety of the participants.